Notes: Jane is a science fiction manga series by Shisinden (Mizuki Tachibana & Rinko Sakura). There is a certain resemblance to Star Trek in it… ;D Very well done, nice science, cool technology ideas, and gorgeous drawings.
Ran is the young dashing captain, human. Rassied is the proper cool first officer, an alien. (Jane is the starship they’re on – the Janet V.) Najeal and Linus are also Cynsians (the alien race) (and yes, they’re telepathic, though not obnoxiously so, and they have *really* long life spans - something like 300 years or so, I think.).
Choice: Alphabet Fic - Rassied doesn’t want to make the choice.
Enough is Enough: companion fic to Choice - Ran finally does something about Rassied.