Beginning-Start      Ch12, Lime       Ch12, Lemon

Chapter Thirteen: A Choice is Made

Kurama woke with contentment and delight boiling lazily through his veins. He breathed in the incredible smell of sex and grinned at the added smell of crispy demon. Tucking his head into the pile of fur that rested near his nose, he snuffled it, lipping the fine black strands and enjoying the feel of the softness against his cheek. Arching his body, he felt the length of the smaller warm body alongside his. He pulled his arm closer to himself, bringing also closer the chest of the demon who was lying within his embrace. His other hand he found resting in the hollow of Hiei’s waist between hip and ribs. An excellent place for it to rest, he thought. Ahh… Kurama sighed in complete joy as he snuggled closer to Hiei before settling down again. I could stay here like this for a week or more, lying in Hiei’s arms, holding my demon to me.

"Kurama, are you awake?"

Opening his eyes, Kurama wondered at the hesitant note in Hiei’s voice, "Yes." He glanced to the slanted eyes that were staring intently at him and he caught his breath for the beauty he saw there. "Is it morning?" Kurama asked, his gaze intent, his body almost quivering as he held himself back.

Hiei turned his head to look at the covered window, "No. It’s the middle of the night."

"Oh," Kurama sighed in disappointment.

Hiei gave him a resigned, ‘what now’ look.

Kurama lifted his hand off Hiei’s hip and brought it near to Hiei’s jawline yet didn’t quite touch. "I wanted to say ‘good morning’. Can I say ‘thank you’ instead?"

Thin lips quirked up in a genuinely amused smile as Hiei nodded, his red eyes showing his curiosity and appreciation.

Resting his hand on the edge of Hiei’s jawline, Kurama brought his mouth to Hiei’s and kissed him deeply, letting their lips touch together for several long seconds before opening his mouth and running his tongue inside Hiei’s mouth. After a long minute, Hiei backed off, breathing heavily as he licked the saliva off his lips.

"That wasn’t a sexual kiss???" Hiei panted, trying to regain his breath.

Kurama chuckled. Grabbing Hiei’s hand, he pulled it down past his waist and demonstrated, "I was just saying ‘thank you’. But if you keep reacting like that," Kurama let his hand wander to Hiei’s obvious physical response to the kiss, "I might have to rethink it."

Hiei looked at him, part exasperated, part speculative.

This time Kurama laughed outloud and he stretched, running his hands over Hiei…

The demon moved to one side, putting some distance between them as he sat up.


Hiei sighed, "You don’t want to again yet, and… I’m really not comfortable with cuddling." He glanced over to the window, his thoughts and his intentions plain.

Definitely not the co-habitation scenario. Kurama shrugged slightly to himself, grinning internally, but he stayed tonight… We’ve got a hundred years to work this out. Considering this very promising start, I don’t think it’ll be more then a couple of decades before I have him beside me for the whole night.

"You’re licking your chops again," Hiei said suspiciously.

Kurama laughed, sitting up so they could talk; he had to give Hiei his answer— Kurama glanced down at himself in surprise at the pain that rippled across his body as his abdomen muscles moved. Looking at red marks like rug burns that decorated his stomach, Kurama remembered the odd fire…

"I’m sorry," Hiei’s voice was as near as one could get to crying while not doing so. Reaching out a hand, first he touched Kurama gently, then he bent his head to lick the red wounds.

Ice fire burned on his skin as Kurama drew in a sharp breath, letting it out in a long release as the ice changed to gentle warmth that flowed into his veins. Kurama’s eyelids dipped down as he healed. He opened them again when the demon withdrew. "Hiei."

"I’m sorry," Hiei said again as he put his pants and cloak on, "I didn’t think… that wasn’t a good idea. I won’t ever hurt you…"

It was obvious what was on the demon’s mind. Before he could implement his thoughts in that quickfire manner of his, Kurama slammed a shield up around the room with all his strength. He was impressed with himself when he felt the force of the barrier, that’s better than I usually get.

Hiei, on his way to the window, stopped and glanced back at Kurama. He could break through the barrier… but obviously the fox wanted to talk. But I want to leave… Hemmed in too closely, held too tightly. Let me go, Kurama – let me go before I hurt you again.

Kurama punched the pillow up behind his back and leaned against the wall. He looked at Hiei without speaking.

"I’m a demon, Kurama."

"No dah."

Hiei growled angrily at the mocking tone. "Kurama… I won’t hurt you, but I just did – I can’t let it happen again."

"So what happened?"

Hiei bit his lip, "Demons are born for only one purpose – to kill."

Kurama’s eyebrows raised over his elegant forehead, "Are you telling me… Is that why you won’t take your pleasure in me?" At Hiei’s nod, Kurama chuckled, "Well, I certainly hadn’t thought of that – you must be tough on a girl."

The shorter demon shrugged, "I don’t usually lose control of my fire – if I let it go, it’s deliberate. But… I haven’t had sex with somebody I love for several hundred years."

"What a way to go," Kurama mused, his thoughts on the fire flaring through his body, the excitement and delight raising to a fever-high pitch – and wondering how much higher it would go before a person was burned out.

Hiei flinched away, his face twisting in pain and anguish.

Instantly, Kurama locked his attention onto those expressions, reading into them… Several hundred years, huh? That must mean… Ah, Hiei, it is not an unused heart that I have stolen. And you have been hurt before, yet you still came when I called. Too lonely not to respond. Yes, Kurama nodded to himself, reaffirming his decision, I want you. You are the one I will have as my mate. But first to reassure the demon… "Hiei – I was Yoko. Remember that."

Hiei grunted, "So?"

Kurama bared his teeth in a feral grin, "I spent the last five hundred years using sex as a weapon. There are very few that escape the kitsune Yoko once I decide on their fate. Even those that I use for pleasure are usually ‘burned’ in the end when I send them on their way."

The demon gave him a look that said the same thing as his last comment.

"Hiei, I am a ghost as well, and I am a dangerous one. You are not the only one who has to be careful where you tread."

Wrinkling his nose, Hiei thought about that one, then shook his head, "In this, you’re in more danger from me."

For a long second, Kurama was tempted to prove the demon wrong on that issue. Then he dropped the thought. Yoko’s reactions will do me no good in this situation. Hiei loves me, and I must find a way to call on that love for him to stay willingly. Kurama ran his hand over his smooth flesh where once there were burns, "Hiei – everybody gets hurt in a relationship; usually emotionally, I’ll admit… but partners work through those things. I don’t want you to leave – and if you do leave now, I will be hurt. Worse then you can even imagine. It’s too late for you to run; that isn’t an option anymore."

"Kurama…" Hiei was torn. He could see the truth in the green eyes that stared so intently at him, the predator stalking the prey, yet he knew also the truth in his body… The truths, for there were many. He wanted the fox-human so much… he loved Kurama, yet…

"Hiei – how did your Ice Maiden mother manage to have sex with a Fire Demon and live?" Kurama’s thoughts segued… but if he could get an answer to that question, then he could give Hiei an answer for their problem, maybe.

The demon snorted, "An Ice Maiden is a demon too – and a dangerous one to love." He shrugged, "Equal powers. Her ice melted before it reached his heart, his fire cooled before burning her soul."

"Oh…" Obviously that wasn’t the case here… Kurama looked thoughtfully down at himself where in his fox form there would be tails. He was already a five-tail without much effort on his part. If he trained hard… heck, with all the assignments Koenma was planning on sending Yusuke, Kurama was sure he’d get at least another tail in a year. "How many tails would I need to match you?"

Hiei raised his eyebrows, the fine black fur raising to parallel the corners of his jagan. He studied Kurama for a moment before turning his head away, "Nine."

Nine?! Kurama gulped. He’d heard rumors once about an old fox… 

The corners of Hiei’s mouth twitched up in both amusement and self-directed cynicism.

Kurama remembered… "Hiei – back when we were linked, one of the nightmares was about you biting off my tails while we fought – could that have anything to do with this?"

"Excuse me??" Hiei walked to the window sill and sat down upon it. Obviously it was going to be an extended conversation.

"You didn’t have the same dream?"

Hiei scratched his nose, "Linked doesn’t mean identical… especially in the void. Describe it."

"We were fighting, fox and dragon, a dance fight. I slashed the dragon’s tail, then the dragon turned and bit my tails, at the base – and that’s when I woke up."

There was silence for a bit, then Hiei lifted his head, "Oh, that was the day you asked me about unicorns, wasn’t it?"

Unicorns? Oh. Kurama still wondered about Hiei’s reaction to that comment. "When I was trying to wake you up? Yes." 

Hiei started laughing, wrapping his arms around himself as he leaned against the sill for support, "Ah, Kurama!"


"Are you sure we were fighting?"


Hiei bit down on more laughter, "We were twisting and twining around each other, right? And the tails… Well, there have been certain times, especially in the last few days, when we’ve shared rei…"

He’s not kidding! Kurama’s mouth dropped open. He thought about the dream and wondered. He had thought they were fighting. Well, in a way, it could have been. My interpretation for Hiei’s advances at the time. That is why the link was so dangerous to us. The insubstantial truths becoming reality. Kurama shuddered, thankful that Hiei had gotten them untangled, but still sorrowing that it had come nearly to Hiei’s death. ‘Only a truth’… What were your dreams, all those nights? We were linked – and I thought we were fighting, while you thought we were having sex… but it was a nightmare for you as well. What was your dream, that night? My friend, I’m sorry.

"Hn, well, if that was your dream," Hiei could see the pity on the fox’s face but shrugged it off, thinking of the current situation – and still amused over it, "then there might be less to worry about then I thought. If you can take a dragon’s tail, the dragon will certainly bite yours."

Kurama frowned at Hiei’s obliqueness, then started putting the pieces together. Tails are power in a fox – in a dragon? Biting… Kurama ran a hand on his healed stomach, pain comes with healing. Sex magic was a special study among many rei users. He glanced at the force shield, more powerful than it should have been, "I’m drawing off your rei?"

"Absorbing is a better term." Hiei glanced over to his sword, propped against the wall, and his face lost its humor, frown lines indicating a new line of thought, "What did you mean, it was too late? Why is there no option left?"

"Absorbing???" Now alarmed, Kurama completely ignored Hiei’s questions, "Am I hurting you?"

Waving a hand, Hiei brushed it off, "No. It’s not a big deal for me – my fire renews itself. But it shouldn’t happen unless… Kurama – why? You promised me an answer before, and now, and… Kurama-ruby – why?"

A term of affection? Kurama’s eyebrows almost climbed off his forehead. But he did owe the demon his answer. That, and much more. Before he answered, Kurama took down the barrier. It wasn’t needed anymore and he didn’t want the demon to feel trapped. "Hiei – I love you."

Hiei tapped his foot against the wall and frowned.

I expected a bit more of a reaction than that…

"Fox, you’ve got lousy timing." Hiei sighed, "Why now?"

Kurama smiled, "I thought it was perfect timing, myself."

"Answer the damned question." Hiei glowered, "I told you last night you shouldn’t rush it. Now look at all the damned complications you’ve created."

This time, Kurama laughed, "What complications? That you can’t just pack up and leave? Sounds about right to me…" Kurama softened his expression to a smile, "Hiei – it was partially because of your answer. I told you days ago to just wait for me. Even though I stole you—"

"Stole me????"

Kurama controlled his unruly mouth that wanted to twitch and laugh. But he was afraid his eyes still showed his feelings, "In whose possession is your heart right now?"

Hiei frowned at the thief, then he gave in with a chuckle, acceding the point, "I hadn’t thought of it in those terms. Stolen by the Spirit World’s finest thief – a kitsune well-worthy to have me." His red eyes glowed as he stared at the marvelous, incredible fox-human, his pride in the one he loved creating blue flame flickering on his skin.

Watching that blue flame and soft red eyes… Kurama’s breathing deepened as his body felt a wave of desire rush through, awakening sated nerves and enlarging blood vessels. I want him… "Hiei," Kurama whispered, shifting from his seated position, leaning towards the demon across the room.

Hiei gulped, "Damn fox! Stop avoiding the question!"

Avoiding? Kurama sat back in annoyance, "You’re the one who started that!"

"I didn’t…" Hiei trailed off, remembering what one of Kurama’s fond looks used to do to him back when Kurama didn’t love him. Okay, I did. "Why now?" Why, when I accept you as a friend, do you go and turn all the tables again?

"Hiei – before you came back tonight, I was thinking about all my previous lovers."

"All of them???" Hiei broke in, wide-eyed.

Kurama ignored it, "There have been some I cared for, many that pleased me, several who were talented lovers. Countless numbers have thrown themselves at my feet, professing their undying love and willingness to serve. And sometimes they do serve until their death. But none of them had ever pressed a choice on me the way you do. There was only one woman, one time who I even felt like offering what I will give you – and she turned it down, not willing to give as much in return. But you have already given it to me." Kurama stared seriously at the demon sitting on the windowsill, "Hiei, I want you because you love me and accept me and want me, more or less unconditionally. I want what you have to offer, everything you have to offer, including your love, and for what I want, that means I have to make an equal offer." Kurama drew in a shaking breath, "It just… means a bit more for me."

Looking rather alarmed, Hiei finally broke in, "Kurama – don’t. Not for me. I don’t want you to force anything. And you don’t have to offer anything you don’t want to."

"Silly demon," Kurama weakly grinned, "I’m not forcing anything. I just had to search within myself to make sure that it was my choice, for it is not reversible."

Hiei’s eyes were very wide, nearly round. There is definitely something here that I’m not getting at all. Kurama is talking to me – and I’m not understanding a word. But I know that it is something very, very serious. What did I get myself into?

At the look on the demon’s face, Kurama laughed. He remembered those feelings rather well… about time to put that shoe on the opposite foot. "Hiei, I’m going to tell you something about kitsune that no person outside the clan knows. It is, perhaps, our greatest liability, yet also our greatest strength. No one can take it from us, and we will fight tooth and claw to defend it."

Do I want to know? Hiei knew that kitsune, as a clan, were very reserved and powerful. Most kitsune lived quiet lives, though the lone foxes tended to be a wild bunch. Yet even the wild foxes never talked about the clan. Kurama, telling him, expected it to go no further – Hiei loved the fox, but he wasn’t sure… What is this going to cost me?

"Kitsune mate for life."

There was a second in which Hiei sat still, a frozen statue on the windowsill, then a blur of black and he was gone.

Kurama grinned. He had rather thought Hiei would react that way. He checked the clock and whistled to himself as he got out of bed. Time for a quick shower before he comes back.

   ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...

‘Mate for life…’ Hiei ran. He ran faster than the wind, faster than sound, not quite as fast as light. The light wouldn’t let him go. And I was worried about him changing on me… ‘Kitsune mate for life.’ ‘Mate.’ Beautiful velvet brown eyes in a dark green face, slender narrow hands reaching out to him… a look of rapture as flames devoured a body he’d loved. ‘What a way to go.’ She had planned to kill me that night, an obstacle to her plans; but I killed her first… Never, Kurama; never. I will never have to kill you, the one I love. ‘Mate for life.’ Hiei wanted it. Desperately, eagerly, frightened and hesitant, unsure but longing for what Kurama offered. ‘For life.’ It would be good not to worry or be cautious around this one. For Kurama, Hiei had already abandoned most of his hard-taught protections, weary of caution and mistrust. Weary of having to kill what he loved. Never again. ‘For life.’ But a demon’s life was only the span of time that he stayed one step in front of enemies’ knives. So far, Hiei had been clever and careful – and lucky. But… he knew of no demon that had ever died of old age. Most died young, early in the struggle to know where they stood on the ladder of ascendancy. Hiei was not young anymore. ‘For life.’ What did Hiei have to offer Kurama that even came close to matching this gift? A life of pain… Abruptly, Hiei turned back.

   ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...

Dressed and sitting on the bed, Kurama was toweling his hair dry when he felt Hiei’s reappearance in the window. Tossing his hair out of his eyes, he glanced at the clock. Quicker than I thought.

"What happens to you when I die?" Hiei asked, his voice neutral. The fox-human was dressed in one of the outfits Hiei had bought, retrieved after the fight with the rat. His mane was shining, wild about his head, strands clinging to his cheeks, his forelocks spiky and the rest of it in desperate need of grooming. Hiei held himself back.

Kurama shrugged, "I mourn. I cry. I feel devastated and alone."

"You said for life."

Kurama blinked before he figured out what Hiei was asking, "It’s not a life-bond – my life is not tied to yours, nor yours to mine." He put the towel down over his knees as he thought about how to explain it to Hiei, "It means that while you live, you will be my only mate – the one that I love best, my loyalty is yours, my devotion you have. There is no other that will fill that special portion of my heart that is reserved for my mate."

"And if I die?"

The demon was being unreadable. Kurama smiled sadly, "If my mate dies while I still live, then there is the chance that at some future point another could enter my heart. Maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand, maybe never. A love like yours… I don’t think I could ever accept anything less, having known you."

"But you’d live."

The demon was being insistent. Kurama frowned, trying to figure it out… Oh – if I died, he would follow. Most likely go on a killing rampage until finally he was killed himself. Kurama closed his eyes for the pain that even the thought of Hiei’s death brought him. "Hiei, kitsune are very clan-bound. If you were killed, I would feel obligated to live for the sake of our children."

Almost jerking off the windowsill, Hiei disappeared again.

Whistling, Kurama started brushing his hair.

   ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...

Children… Hiei stood on top of the hotel and looked up at the stars. Yukina. Laughter and bright eyes and smiles and unconditional affection. Children. To raise, to teach, to spoil, to protect. He’d never thought… Wait a second...

   ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...

After only a few minutes, Hiei cautiously came back, "How were you planning to have children?" The look in his red eyes was almost accusing.

"Hadn’t figured that one out yet," Kurama admitted, his green eyes twinkling, "I’m sure I can think of something."

"Hn." Hiei glowered at Kurama and tried to think of what the kitsune…, "No plants."

"Okay," Kurama agreed easily – that hadn’t actually been his first thought… 

Hiei stared suspiciously at the fox for a moment.

Kurama grinned, "Want to start practicing making children now?"

Tinged with wry humor, Hiei’s glare wasn’t very threatening. Then he shrugged and left.

This is going to take most of the morning – if not the day. Kurama grinned and left the hotel. The pre-dawn was barely starting to be known, little glimmers of stars still shone throughout the black sky that was gradually shading to blue. A perfect time for a hunt.

   ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...               ...   ...   ...

‘Mate for life.’ Hiei watched Kurama walk the streets of the town and he wondered. Kurama wanted a friend. I wanted a lover. And somehow, everything has changed to this. It certainly explained why Kurama was able to absorb Hiei’s rei. I should have guessed it sooner. Everything that had happened after Hiei had untangled them from the void had felt raw and exposed – his feelings laid bare and open to every scratch and bite… and every lick and kiss. All that time Kurama was saying ‘wait,’ every step he took towards me, he was creating a soul-link to tie himself to me. A kitsune ritual that I knew nothing about – and participated willingly in without my knowledge. And I thought I’d rushed Kurama. Why did he chose me? I didn’t ask for it, did I? Hiei thought back to all he’d said and done. I wanted to love, I wanted to trust. I chose the fox once he’d made it through my barriers, knowing that a kitsune would be perfect for my love. Yoko knew pleasure, and Yoko defended his possessions until he tired of them. I thought it would be seen as an alliance between ghosts. But Kurama’s motive was not what Yoko’s would have been. The lone fox saw a mystery and wanted to possess it; the human, scarred with fifteen years of loneliness, wanted a friend. I didn’t anticipate that. He saw within my love something that he wanted. Once he knew it was there, he wanted my love more than he wanted the merely physical pleasure. I had given my love to him without caring what he thought – but now, the idea that he wants my love…

"Kurama, ruby fox-human, unique and special, most precious and decidedly uncommon." My love, who loves me.

Hiei raised his arms to the wind and let it carry him up into the elements, closing his eyes for the sheer pleasure. My mate for life. He has not only claimed me, he has linked himself to me; and there is a special place in his heart that is mine alone.

The fox had said nothing about other sexual partners, Hiei noted with a grin. Kurama was still a kitsune. That didn’t bother Hiei – if sex had been all there was to the relationship, than Hiei would have insisted on fidelity. But instead Kurama had reserved a place in his heart, and promised Hiei that it was his alone, that no other would be there in Hiei’s lifetime… Hiei knew how much more precious that was than a simple monogamous relationship. I am his – and he is mine. So much more than Hiei had ever thought possible.

Coming down on another rooftop, Hiei smiled as he watched Kurama start a dance with an oni. Watching Kurama was watching beauty incarnate.


Watching me again. Kurama smiled as he challenged the oni. Hiei’s so cute.

Seeing the smile, the oni paused, uncertain… then shook it off and attacked.


Hiei gave a regretful sigh as the fight ended and the fox curled up his whip and went searching for the next target. I can’t watch him all day, I’ve got work to do. Quickly, Hiei summoned a batch of imps and sent them all scurrying off with messages and errands. Then he picked a rooftop with only open sky behind his back, nothing to show where he might be. And he crossed his arms in front of his chest and concentrated.


About to confront the gargoyle, Kurama hesitated and glanced over at a building a few blocks away. That power signature…

The gargoyle hissed and shrank back against the wall, also looking over…

"I’ll be damned," Kurama said softly, disregarding the fact that he worked for Koenma and therefore either couldn’t be damned or already was, "Hiei just changed to a human form." The power used when a demon changed forms was as distinctive as a fingerprint. Kurama had been able to tell when Hiei changed to his jagan form… and when he was thrown out of the form by Yusuke’s attack. But this? I didn’t even know he had a human form. I wonder what he’s up to.

"I surrender."

"Huh?" Kurama turned back to the gargoyle.

The stony figure tossed its mallet down, "I surrender. Take me to the Reikai or wherever. If that thing is your friend, I don’t want to meet it."

"I accept your surrender," Kurama formally spoke though internally he was laughing. So now what do I do with it? Hey, Hiei – want a mantel-piece?
